Browse through wishes and find one that resonates with you. Your contribution, big or small, can turn someone's wish into reality.

Spread Your Wish: Ignite a Chain of Dreamers!

Set your wish ablaze by sharing it far and wide! Unleash the power of your dream by tapping into the vast expanse of social media. Imagine your wish as a tiny spark that, with every share, ignites a chain reaction of dreamers and believers. As your story resonates with hearts and minds, watch as a community of supporters rallies around your cause, each one adding fuel to the fire of your aspiration. So go ahead, cast your wish into the digital winds and let the world fan its flames into reality!

Spark a Dream: Become a Beacon of Hope!

Embark on a journey to fulfill heartfelt dreams. Each wish you encounter awaits your transformative touch. Granting a wish is a beacon of hope, guiding aspirations to reality. Your generosity not only gives but connects, shares, and celebrates dreams. Choose a wish, and let your kindness ignite a dream into life!

In this New Year of 2025, Bucket Wish Connection has exciting news!!  We will be growing and expanding into a Non-Profit!  You will notice some changes as imagined during this new phase, so we ask if you run into any errors when using the website or have any questions to please reach out through the Contact Us Page.  This is a very exciting time for us filled with continued hope to help many more achieve their needs and dreams through various projects and connections.  As the Founder/CEO of Bucket Wish Connection my original mission and calling have not been changed however God has put it in my heart that a greater growth is needed.  I ask that you continue to make wishes; help grant current wishes, share us in your community and pray for Bucket Wish Connection LLC to become a Non-Profit like no other as our vision is not only locally but globally inspired by my son and driven by God.  Thank you so much for being part of Bucket Wish Connection community