Short Story

I am 83 years old and a Veteran of the Airforce.  I have a dream to go to the National Museum of The United States Airforce in Ohio.  This trip would mean so very much to me!  I currently have Leukemia but am hanging their these last 2 years.  Unfortunately, I now have heavy fatigue which means I am in a wheelchair.  I had a quadruple bypass but have clogged arteries again.  This may sound like a lot to ask but here is my dream in total.  I would need a rideshare from Monaca PA to the Airforce Museum in OH, then someone to push me in the wheelchair once I got there, I would need to stay overnight at a local hotel as it would be much too difficult to come back after so the next day I would need a rideshare back.  I would be ok to stay in the hotel myself though.  I would be so thrilled if this could happen and thank you for your time.

GRANTED!! Details coming November 2024-A Veteran of the Airforce hoping to make his Bucket List come true

by BillB

  • $1,800.00

    Funding Goal
  • $50.00

    Funds Raised
  • 82

    Days to go
  • Target Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $

If you prefer to fulfill this wish with a direct gift rather than donating money, please click on the account name below to obtain their contact information and reach out to them directly.


19 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

I am 83 years old and a Veteran of the Airforce.  I have a dream to go to the National Museum of The United States Airforce in Ohio.  This trip would mean so very much to me!  I currently have Leukemia but am hanging in these last 2 years.  Unfortunately, I now have heavy fatigue which means I am in a wheelchair.  I had a quadruple bypass but have clogged arteries again.  This may sound like a lot to ask but here is my dream in total.  I would need a rideshare from Monaca PA to the Airforce Museum in OH, then someone to push me in the wheelchair once I got there, I would need to stay overnight at a local hotel as it would be much too difficult to come back after so the next day I would need a rideshare back.  I would be ok to stay in the hotel myself though.  I would be so thrilled if this could happen and thank you for your time.


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