Short Story

As a female small business owner, I have the privilege to educate my students through the art of dance.  I would love the opportunity to award a portion of our competition team members with scholarships to help them with the costs of doing what they love most ~ showcasing their talents through dance.

EXPIRED but $150 FUNDED 3 Scholarships!!-Details coming November 2024-Dance Dreams Certificates for 5 Dancers


  • $250.00

    Funding Goal
  • $150.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
This campaign has been invalid or not started yet.

19 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

I was selected for a complimentary Wish to represent small business owners month, October.  Instead of using the Wish for myself, I prefer to use this Gift on my dancers instead.   As a female small business owner, I have the privilege to educate my students through the art of dance.  I would love the opportunity to award a portion of our competition team members with scholarships to help them with the costs of doing what they love most ~ showcasing their talents through dance.

My Wish would be for the following:

5 dancers at random to each receive a $50 scholarship for the fees due October 31st

I know this Wish has a fast turnaround but it would be so appreciated by the dancers, their families and myself!!

Dancer A—$50 Dance Dreams Scholarship—FUNDED

Dancer B—$50 Dance Dreams Scholarship—FUNDED

Dancer C—$50 Dance Dreams Scholarship—FUNDED

Dancer D—$50 Dance Dreams Scholarship—Still in Need

Dancer E—$50 Dance Dreams Scholarship—Still in Need



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